Posted in Real Talk


  1. (of a person or part of the body) without clothes.
  2. 2. (especially of feelings or behavior) expressed openly; undisguised

Hello beautiful people!

So I have been on a well deserved, long overdue hiatus, spending quality time with Husbae and in these past few months, I have been naked. And no, not in the way you’re thinking, though there has been lots of that 😉

I mean naked in the definition 2 kind of way. As a person who has always kept everything inside, this marriage has certainly made me very naked with my thoughts and emotions.

As you may or may not know, Husbae and I have been in a long distance relationship which obviously consists of less time spent together in person and more time spent over the phone. Although this type of relationship can foster effective communication, I realized it could also easily lead to pretense and false impressions being created. After all, you can’t actually see the person (if there are no video calls), so it is easy to pretend to be someone you are not and say things you don’t mean. The catch here is when y’all finally get together. What do you do then? Do you continue to entangle yourself in more lies with the person being right in front of you? I wonder how our marriage would have gone if I found out that the things Husbae had told me about himself were untrue, or vice versa.

Honesty has become so rare in relationships these days and I wonder why people bother getting with someone when they know they cannot and are not willing to be completely and totally honest with them. I’m sure you’ve heard the argument against sharing the pass-code to your phone with your partner and I wonder why that is even a thing. Personally, I don’t need the pass-code to my partner’s phone to snoop around or anything but if I do go into his phone for whatever reason, I should not find anything questionable. It’s as simple as that. This has got nothing to do with privacy cos what’s privacy when y’all are laid up?

The bottom line is you need to be a person of integrity; just don’t do things that you wouldn’t want your partner to find out, that’s all.

We recently celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary and I’d say the most important thing that I have learned so far on this journey is being 100% honest and transparent with my partner no matter what the situation is. Thing is, the truth always has a way of coming to light so why not be honest now than having to do it in an uncomfortable situation later?

One thing I am grateful for in my marriage is that we are able to have the hard and somewhat unpleasant conversations that most people would find ways of avoiding. It is not always easy bringing up such topics, especially when it has to do with a person’s flaws or mistakes, but it is always worth it when you’re able to get through that to find a resolution.

Today, I’m encouraging you all to take steps to be a little more honest in your dealings not just with your partner, but with the people around you too. Honesty is such an important virtue which does not only improve your interpersonal relationships but also tells others the kind of person you are.

I choose honesty and hope you do too.

Love always,

Mrs A.


If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here:

Posted in Random

Need Some Sunshine?

Hello beautiful people!

So I’ve received another bloggers award!



Thank you so much thenakedwriter  for this award and for recognizing my blog. I am honored that my efforts in the blogosphere are appreciated! I don’t tell you enough how much I love the honesty and authenticity of your posts.

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award that’s given to bloggers who make us smile, entertain us, uplift us, or make content that we enjoy. It’s an award that’s used to acknowledge someone’s contributions as a blogger.

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post.

Here are the questions Mac thenakedwriter asked me & my answers:

  • Why did you start blogging?

I started this blog as a way to share my thoughts, my talents & gifts with the world. I’ve always kept journals/diaries and I saw this blog as my online journal. My site address used to be “Welcome to my world!” *cringe* but I saw my blog as my space, my own little world where I could share whatever was on my mind. My first post ever, Bittersweet was actually about my own relationship which had turned sour.

  •   What are your hopes for your blog? 

As I mentioned in my previous post (It’s Me, Again + Get to know me Tag), I truly hope that in this hectic world, this blog will bring light, hope and encouragement to whoever comes across it. I hope that it would not only be about the numbers, but about every individual who reads my posts. I also hope that this blog would birth a community of encouragers, so that each of us can make the world a better place for the next person.

  • What’s something that you’d like to blog about, but haven’t done yet? 

My personal life. I have so many stories embedded in me that I’d like to share, which I know people can relate to and would benefit from buuuut…. I feel like I’m not there yet. I mostly don’t have enough time on my hands to dig deep for these stories (or maybe I’m just chickening out of it) but I’m hoping soon, I would be able to share the parts of my life which I’ve covered up for so long. Hey thenakedwriter! You inspire me so much.

  • What are you working on outside of blogging?

I’m trying to get my life y’all. + I’m still trying to figure out how to pause this whole adulting thing lol…

  • Are there any dreams you’ve had for many years?

So many. And I’m watching them come true one after the other. Dreams do come true you guys.

  • What’s your favorite thing about where you currently live?

The location! It’s so easy to get to any other part of town from where I live & all the shortcuts are easily accessible as well. On the plus side, work & church are close by.

  • What is the most adventurous thing you’ve done?

Moving to Tamale in the Northern region of Ghana by myself when I was 22 and living there for about a year on my own. This was such a big deal for me, having lived my whole life in the south. It was also a dream come true as I had always wanted such an adventure of going off on my own to start life in a totally new place where I knew no one. Most people I told didn’t want me to go but I went anyway, and I enjoyed my stay there so much that I didn’t really want to come back.

  • What is your most and least favorite things about blogging?

Favorite thing? That these words of ours which we share in this blogosphere brings us so close to many people all over the world whom we would never meet under normal circumstances. That, for me is so amazing!

Least favorite thing? There seem to be so many blogger standards, rules, do’s & don’ts  which can be overwhelming sometimes, but I’m just going to keep following my spirit and see where & how this goes.

  • What kind of content do you want to see more of?

Definitely more encouraging, honest and authentic content.

  • What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a blogger?

Be consistent & stay true to your cause.

And the Nominees Are…

  1. The Godly Chic Diaries
  2. The Voice of peace
  3. Rae
  4. Cristal Clear
  5. Tiasheart2heart
  6. notesfromb
  7. sharonchy
  8. patrickstories

sunshine blogger award badge

My Questions for My Nominees…

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What are your hopes for your blog?
  3. What’s something that you’d like to blog about, but haven’t done yet?
  4. What are you working on outside of blogging?
  5. Are there any dreams you’ve had for many years?
  6. What is the most adventurous thing you’ve done?
  7. What is your most and least favourite things about blogging?
  8. What kind of content do you want to see more of?

I know I broke the rules a bit but bear with me guys, I have limited time as usual lol

Love always,

Mrs A.

If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here:

Posted in Random

It’s Me, Again + Get to know me Tag

Hello beautiful people!

I know I’ve been AWOL for a while but here I am.

I’d like to warmly welcome all my new followers! Thank you for choosing to be a part of my journey.


Because of my new followers, allow me to reintroduce myself and answer a few get to know me tag questions.

  1. What’s your full name? : My name is Sharon Afriyie, also known as Mrs A, your favorite encourager and motivator.
  2. Where are you from? : I’m from Accra, Ghana. Let me know in the comments where you guys are from!
  3. How many siblings do you have? : I have 2 brothers, no sisters. I’m the only girl and since I was born, I’ve always wanted a sister!
  4. Do you write with a right hand or left? : I’m right handed and I’m that girl who still loves to write with pens in books.
  5. How often you use social media? : Everyday! The entire world is connected on social media so I’m always checking what’s up.
  6. Are you good at typing? : I’m great at it and I love it! I’ve actually applied for a typing job before.
  7. Are you a good speaker? : I’ve always thought myself a better writer than speaker, because by nature, I don’t like to talk that much but after being in this job for almost a year, I’m discovering just how good a speaker I can be.
  8. Are you good at Mathematics? : Ha! Thank God I never, ever have to study or take a math test in my life, they always brought me close to tears.
  9. Which car is your favorite? : TUNDRA! lol that car has won my heart fahever.

What’s your biggest dream? : Buckle up, this is going to get long.

Background story: Many years ago, I realized people found it easy to share their their problems with me. People would come to me and without me asking, they’d pour out their hearts to me. To the best of my ability, I would listen and talk things through with them. I did that for so long before I fully discovered the gifts I have within me.

I am a helper. Life is already hectic as it is and I believe everyone should have someone who can make it a little easier and more bearable for them. I love supporting and cheering people on. I clap the loudest when people win in life and I genuinely love helping people heal emotionally. It makes me happy to see someone come out of a bad place that they were stuck in and as much as I love to share in people’s joys, I’m there through the hard times too. In doing all this, I became Mrs A the encourager.

My tag line, “Everyone needs motivation & encouragement and I’m here to give it” defines who I am and what I’m about. I know that no matter who you are, at some point in your life, you would definitely need a push to get a step further and that’s why I’m here.

My biggest dream is to be able to reach out to & touch the lives of as many people as I can with my gifts, for as long as I live.

I pray that my blogs touch my readers in a special way.

Love always,

Mrs A.

If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here:

Posted in Inside My Head


Hello beautiful people & Happy Easter to us all!

So I recently celebrated my birthday (S/O to all March borns, we’re so special!) and before my month ends, I’d like to share with you all one of the best things I’ve done for myself so far. If you haven’t done it yet, you you definitely need to do this.

Finally, I have been able to set myself free from the opinions of others. Though I sometimes feel like it has taken me too long to get to this point, I’m really grateful that I’ve been able to do this at this time of my life before I get any further because I would certainly need it for the journey ahead.

Before I go in, let me tell you a little about myself. I am such a lovely person. Not to toot my own horn but I’m really sweet and very thoughtful too. So thoughtful that when someone says something mean to me, instead of replying in an equally mean manner or worse, I’d rather be thinking of how they would feel if I said such a thing. In any given situation, I tend to think more of the next person’ feelings than mine. I would always wonder why a person would say something to me that I would never think of saying to them but you know what, life is unfair. We don’t always get treated the way we treat others but that’s okay because it says a lot about the kind of people we are and the kind of people they are.

Sometimes I’d tell HusBae what someone said to me and he’d ask what my response was (cos he’s got such a smart mouth, lol don’t come for me babe) but I’d say, “Oh I just smiled and shook my head.” then he’d say “What?! You let these people get away with too much!”

And he was right. I had allowed this for far too long because obviously, what you allow is what would continue. HusBae has always encouraged me to speak up more but being a reserved person by nature, I had to get to that point on my own. And oh, that’s where I’m at right now.

Another reason why I restrained myself so much from retaliating was because I thought I would hurt their feelings as I’m very observant and I know where to hit that would hurt the most, but do these people think about if my feelings would be hurt by their words? Nope.

Now this doesn’t mean I’m going to become like them, going around and poking my nose where it doesn’t belong because I love staying in my lane and minding my own business, howeverrr, people like to come for me because I seem to be an “easy target” as I mostly don’t talk back, but let someone try me now.


Always remember:

1. Don’t let anyone take you for granted.

2. Don’t let anyone treat you any less than you deserve.

3. Don’t ever let anyone try to dim your light because they feel you’re shining too bright. Shine to your fullest capacity.

And finally, 4. Don’t keep things inside when you know you’re only going to get bothered by them. Speak up and speak out! Say what you like and don’t like. It would bring you peace of mind.

The quickest way to go down is to entrap yourself in the “What would they think/say box”.

Set yourself free. You deserve it.

Photo credit:

Love always,

Mrs A.

If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here:

Posted in Inspirational, Straight Outta My Heart

Going through a hard time?

Never would have made it…
Never could have made it without you…

Hello beautiful people!
I woke up yesterday with this song on my heart. Last month was such an emotional roller coaster for me. With stress from work and life in general, news of deaths, experiencing disappointments and having so many uncertainties but still having to keep it together, my emotions were really all over the place.

I would have lost my mind, I would have gave up but you were right there…
Have you ever gone through anything that made you feel as if you were going to lose your mind?
I felt that way several times last month. There was so much unrest in my mind. My sanity was at stake and so many times I would say, “I don’t know how I’m still doing this.”

Now here comes my favourite line of the song and I listen to this song a lot, but yesterday this part really stood out to me:
I would have lost it all but now I see how you were there for me…
This part really touched me!
Can we be honest here for a minute believers? How many of us feel like we’re all by ourselves when we’re going through a really rough time? I’m talking about a very tight situation which looks really hopeless. How many of us feel like God is silent through our tests? I know I do.
I can praise, I can worship, I can pray and even though I know I haven’t been forsaken, I still feel like I’m doing it alone.
But oh, once I get through that storm, that’s when I have the “now I see” moment.

Ha! I feel like doing a little dance here.

Now I see how you were there for me: That was how I was still doing it! When I wondered how I was still sane, how I could still smile, how I could still get work done, it was simply because He was there for me the whole time.
This brings tears to my eyes because if I was running on my own strength, I would have messed up big time. I would have lost it all. I would have been telling a different story today.
I guess sometimes we expect fireworks and big bangs to know He is with us but I’ve learned that in the midst of all the chaos, confusion and what appears to be silence on His part, He is right there with us.
When I look back over what He brought me through, I realise I made it because I had you to hold on to…
Honestly, when I look back at the situation I’ve just gone through, I can say for a fact that I didn’t do that on my own. There were many times when I felt so weak, when I felt like I couldn’t get through another day but the day would come and I’ll make it through. How? Because I had Him to hold on to.
I’m sharing this today because I know there’s someone somewhere going through a similar situation. I know there’s someone who has been waiting for something for so long that it’s beginning to look impossible. I know that you’re probably at your breaking point and you don’t want to hear another “just stay strong” sermon so I just want to assure you that:
1.You’re not alone. No matter how your situation looks or how you feel, you are not alone. You have me, someone who has been there and totally understands but more importantly, you have God who will never leave nor forsake you. If you can’t talk to anyone, talk or write to Him. (I express myself better in writing so when my words fail me, I write to God)
2.This too shall pass. No matter how long it seems to be taking, even though it looks like for you alone there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, the truth is that there is. Even though it looks like it has been stormy forever, the sun will come out. There has never been a day without the night, neither has it ever been nighttime for 24 hours. It will pass for you to look back thank God that you made it. I pray that when it passes, you too will encourage someone going through the same thing.

Love always,

Mrs A.

If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here:

Posted in Inspirational

This Year vrs The Next


Hello beautiful people!

I am inclined to believe this quote when I look back on my life a year ago.

As you may have read from my 2017, last year was quite rough on me and reflecting on last year around this time, I can testify to the many changes that have taken place in my life.

Last year around this time, I had come home excited from a job interview I attended which I knew went really well.

27-01-2017. Before the interview

I had been assured of the job and I was excited! I had already started imagining what working there would be like, only to find out the day after that those imaginations were never going to be a reality.


Trust me, I was beyond disappointed. It was a new year and I thought I was going to ‘get my life’ by finding work because I had been at home for some time after I left my last job but nope, things were not going to happen as I thought they would.

I was so distraught and I kept asking God why. I thought I was ready for something new. I thought it was perfect timing. In fact, I thought it was an answered prayer because I had been praying about work and in which direction to head with regards to that, then this seemingly good offer came in. What I didn’t know or couldn’t see at the time was that something better was being prepared for me, but I had to wait for it.

Can we talk about the waiting period for a minute? You know that in-between time when everything seems to be at a standstill? It can get really frustrating when you feel like something needs to happen at a particular time but it seems to be taking forever, and it’s even worse when you can’t talk about it. If you find yourself in this period, please stay in touch with someone you can trust who can also keep you encouraged. I know how hard it can be to be going through this and not be able to share with anyone, that’s why I always avail myself for anyone in such a situation to contact me.

Thinking about it now, I realize that job would not have been the best fit for me at the time. I was a newlywed and to be frank, the environment in which I would have been working would not have been suitable for me. Also, my shifts would have totally clashed with husbae’s and that would have definitely caused a strain on our new marriage.

About five months later, I started working at the one that was for me and at the time it happened, I knew that rather was perfect timing, not the one I was expecting at the beginning of the year.

As hard as the in-between time is, please don’t spend that time moping like I did for way longer than I should have. There’s so much to read/study online for free, you can volunteer at a non-profit organization, exercise, learn a new skill, figure out what your passion is and generally improve on yourself whilst you wait. Even though I didn’t know exactly what was going to come next, I knew that I would never have that much free time on my hands again so I had to do something worthwhile with the time.

Can I encourage you today? I can assure you that whatever you’re currently worrying, thinking or stressing about, next year by this time or probably even before then, it wouldn’t be a bother to you anymore. I pray that at the right time you will receive whatever you’re expecting, hoping and praying for, and waiting on.

Can you cast your mind back to last year around this time? Do you remember the things you were worried about? Are you still worried about those things? Let me know in the comments!

Love always,

Mrs. A

If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here:

Posted in Inspirational, Real Talk

Happy New Year!

Hello beautiful people!

I’m a little late to the party but Happy New Year to you all!


As the year begins, I want you to ask yourself this simple question: “What is my why?”
Let this question guide your every move this year.

•Why do you have that dream in your heart?
•Why do you want to achieve those goals?
•Why do you want a lifestyle change?
•Why do you want to do the things that you want to do?

Your why is the very thing that motivates you to get up every morning and work a little harder to get a little better.

Knowing your “why” will help you stay committed to your dream.

Sometimes we are too focused on letting other people co-sign our dream, the dream that has been put in our hearts that we drag our feet on chasing it because the people we expect to support us are not being supportive. I’ll tell you one thing, most of your biggest fans/supporters would be people you don’t know personally.

In 2018, I pray we all chase our dreams relentlessly even if no one else believes in it.

Love always,

Mrs. A

If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here:


Posted in Inside My Head

My 2017

Hello beautiful people!


Boy, this year has been the roughest, most challenging and most trying of all my years on this earth. I don’t even know how I’m still here in one piece because I have been broken into so many different pieces.

I have been stretched in ways which made me wonder just how much more I could take and more often than not, I thought of giving up completely.

So many disappointments, setbacks, crushed hopes and dreams, you would think I had been set up for failure.

So many repetitive prayers that I began to sound like a broken record.

So many unanswered prayers that I often wondered where God was and if He could hear me.

At a point, this was me.

through the pain, this photo cracked me up every time i saw it

Regardless of all that I’ve been through, I have grown so much this year and when I think of the path I was on from the beginning of the year, I realize I wouldn’t have I have grown this much if I hadn’t experienced some of these things. I probably would have been in my little corner thinking life is mostly peaches and cream.


On the bright side, I have unlearned and learned so much this year and for that I am truly grateful. Sometimes we need to step out of the little boxes and labels we’ve put ourselves in and tagged ourselves with, and explore life outside of that.

My greatest relief this year is finally being set free from the bondage of ‘what would they think/say?’ I used to be so concerned about what others would think or say about my actions/decisions and as much as I had tried to let that go, it would still linger at the back of my mind but you know what, I can’t live for anyone else but myself. Do people think about what I would say before they live? Nope! So why should I? Yeah I do live in a society that is extremely nosy and overly involved in other people’s affairs but it is oh so satisfying for me now to sing ‘well I don’t really care what people say, I don’t really watch what dem waan do’ and actually mean it. The constant worry of other people’s opinions is like dead weight that holds you back from reaching your full potential and since I let that go, I’ve felt like a bird.

Most importantly, I have learned how to speak up for myself! I can’t describe how much of a big deal this is for me you guys. I’m an introvert and by nature, I mostly don’t want to talk. I have always considered myself a better writer than speaker and because I’d rather be quiet about certain situations, some people would take advantage of that to walk all over me but not anymore. I’ve learned how to put my mouth to good use (not in the way you’re thinking :p) and I’m taking my own advice to say what I feel.

If you’ve also had a rough year, I just want you to know that you’re not alone. We don’t have to keep up appearances and pretend we’re okay when we’re really not.

I still remember January 2017 like it was just yesterday and I’m really glad that the long, exhausting year has come to an end so quick. As broken as I’ve been and with all the crushed hopes and dreams, I can’t help but hope and pray that 2018 is going to be so much better for us all.

To my cherished readers and followers, thank you all for coming on this journey with me this year. Thanks for all your likes, comments and follows. I truly appreciate it and you all.


Love always,

Mrs A.

If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here:

Posted in Random

Happy Holidays!

Hello beautiful people!

Seasons greetings from my little family to all my dear readers and followers.

Guess who’s down with a terrible flu on Christmas Day? 🤦🏽‍♀️

Of all the days I could be ill, it had to be today. I actually started writing this in the morning but my flu symptoms got so severe that I had to go to the clinic.

I’ve been on bed rest all day however I’m grateful that I’m at least able to send out my best wishes to you all.

‘Tis the season to be jolly, they say but this is also one of the hardest seasons for homeless people, those who have recently lost a loved one, some single people, couples in long distance relationships and those who per society’s standards, don’t have enough to ‘celebrate’.

Holiday blues are real and if you know anyone going through a hard time, be kind enough to reach out to them and help put a smile on their face.

Well enjoy your holidays guys, it only comes around once in a year.

Love always,

Mrs. A

If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here:

Posted in Random, This & That

The Liebster Award



Hello beautiful people!

So I was nominated for the Liebster award by notesfromb

Thanks so much B!

Check out her blog here: Notes from b.

Aims and Objectives Liebster Award:

  • The Liebster Award is a blogger award for new bloggers and those with few followers. It is an amazing way of giving new bloggers an opportunity to gain some recognition and encouragement for their works.

  Rules of the Liebster Award

  • Create a new blog with the graphic of the award thanking the person that nominated you and a link to their blog.
  • Create a set of questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers and share your blog post with them so they can accept their awards.


Notes from b.’s Questions & my answers:

  • Have you thought about quitting as a blogger and do something else?

Nope! This year, I started being more intentional about blogging. There’s so much I want to do here but so little time so nah, quitting as a blogger hasn’t even crossed my mind.

  • Have you been faced with a stubborn reader that insists you should delete your blog post because he/she doesn’t think it is appropriate?

Not yet! I’m saying not yet because I feel like I may get that once I start to post more ‘raw’ stuff on the blog because you know how some people can be :/

  • If you were to choose between blogging and being paid $1m what would be your choice?

$1m is GH¢4,527,500. Boy that is tempting because I have so many ideas and so much I could do with that money but would I really give up blogging for that amount? Doubt it.

  • What is your most liked blog post that your readers loved?

So after checking my blog stats it seems my readers really enjoyed Friends with Benefits. I really put myself out there with that one and I guess many people could relate.

  • What is your greatest challenge as a blogger?

Not posting enough. The work I’m currently involved in is time consuming and mentally exhausting and y’all know you need a sound mind (which I currently don’t have) to write. At the end of the day, I barely feel like speaking not to talk of content creation/writing. I’m hoping my schedule eases up a bit hopefully next month so I can do more of that.

I hereby nominate the following for the Liebster Award:

The Godly Chic Diaries






  • Have you thought about quitting as a blogger and do something else?
  • Have you thought about quitting what you’re currently doing and blogging full time?
  • Do you ever experience writer’s block and how do you deal with it when you do?
  • When you seem to have no time, how do you make the time to keep blogging?
  • Would you ever quit blogging and what would make you quit?

N/B: This doesn’t mean you guys are new bloggers or have few followers, I’d just love to read your answers!

Love always,

Mrs. A

If you’re currently going through challenging times and you’d like a listening ear, some encouragement or motivation, please contact me here: